Digital Solutions for Sales Associates and The Benefits for Brands

Digital Solutions for Sales Associates and The Benefits for Brands

While retail trends and promotional tactics may capture temporary attention of the consumer, the cornerstone of sustained success in the retail industry remains a truly exceptional customer experience. The consumer is smarter than ever, and they know what a gimmick is, they can spot the new/hip trends, but what they love and spend money on the most, is a brand who understands brand loyalty and knows how to communicate their product even in those 3rd party retail stores. 

However, a surprising obstacle often stands in the way: a lack of education on the brand product from those on the store floor. Reasons for this include, high staff turnover, a changing workforce, updated product features and a new hire missed the clinic on all the important updates. So how does your brand ensure they can connect to every sales associate on the store floor, regardless if they are new and just starting their shift, or a seasoned employee that missed a brand rep clinic? Through a digital retail and sales enablement platform, like ENDVR.

How Your Brand Can ImpactCustomer Loyalty and Create a Good Brand Experience In-Store

Imagine your frontline sales team as brand ambassadors. They’re the first line against customer frustration and champions of brand advocacy. But without the right tools and knowledge, even the most enthusiastic reps can’t unleash their full potential. Companies with strong sales enablement programs see 15% better win rates than those without.

This is where digital retail sales enablement platforms come in; they can equip your sales team with the knowledge, resources, and confidence to transform customer interactions into revenue in wholesale and with ENDVR your brand can directly connect with sales associates on the store floor via our app – directly seeing a connection with increased engagement on the floor to increase sales and sell-through. Brands using ENDVR see a 33% Increase in Avg. Selling Price, 44 % Avg. Increase in Product Reorders, 35 :1 Avg. Return on Associate Spend

Why a Subpar Customer Experience Sinks Sales

Think about it: customers walk in expecting personalized attention, product knowledge that would put a Jeopardy champion to shame, and an experience that makes them want to sing your praises from the rooftops. When this doesn’t happen (because confused and uninformed salespeople may not have the tools or information from the brands to deliver that message), sales opportunities vanish, even when we know 86% of buyers are willing to pay more for a great customer experience. 

So what happens when the experience in the store isn’t great? Those customers go to another store, or shop somewhere else. Once the customer is in the store, looking to buy a product, why not yours? Your brand has the opportunity to get those sales associates on the floor to sing your praises and provide any and all the product knowledge to the customer, providing that wonderful experience that the customer expects (yup, 73% of consumers expect a personalized experience).

The Culprit? Lack of Product Knowledge

A knowledge gap is one of the biggest red flags of poor sales enablement. When reps aren’t clear on your brand’s story and the products they’re selling, it’s like navigating a maze blindfolded. They need help connecting with customers, answering questions correctly, and showcasing the value of what your brand offers.

The Fix: Empowering Your Sales Team

Empowering your sales team with in-depth brand and product knowledge is the key to unlocking great customer experiences. This is where a retail sales enablement platform like ENDVR becomes your ally – Sales teams using sales enablement tools see a 6-20% increase in sales.

Retail sales enablement platforms like ENDVR are a central hub with training materials, the latest updates, and communication channels that keep your team buzzing. Your reps can confidently engage with customers, answer their questions like pro, and become brand ambassadors.

Question for Your Brand: Are You Ready to Sell More In-Store

Ditch the Band-Aid solutions for customer experience woes. Invest in sales enablement, watch your team transform into customer experience rockstars, and witness sales soar to new heights. Remember, your sales squad can turn every customer interaction into a great experience with the right tools and knowledge.

Fuel your brand’s success with ENDVR. Our platform’s robust features and engaging gamification mechanics go beyond sales enablement – they elevate the entire retail experience. 

This translates to a more empowered sales force, deeper customer engagement, and increased sales for you and your dedicated sales associates. Partner with ENDVR and watch your brand reach its full potential.

Ready to empower your sales team and enhance customer experiences? Watch our quick demo to discover how we can help you turn these challenges into triumphs!