Building Better Retail Habits: The Key to Brands’ Long-Term Growth

The outdoor sports retail industry is facing a significant challenge: 77% of sales associates are struggling to complete their assigned tasks, according to a recent Gartner report. For outdoor brands relying on these retail teams to drive in-store sales, this problem threatens overall growth. Despite investments in new technologies and training, many sales associates still find themselves unable to perform at the level needed to support both the brand and the retailer. 


This challenge is more significant than just task management—it’s a barrier that could slow down the entire outdoor industry’s momentum.

The Hidden Costs of Missed Opportunities

When retail associates fail to complete their tasks, it isn’t just about one missed sale—it affects the entire brand’s performance. In outdoor sports retail, where customers rely heavily on in-store associates for product expertise, this inefficiency can lead to missed sales, lower customer satisfaction, and lost brand loyalty. Without an effective system in place to guide associates, brands risk losing their edge in a competitive retail environment.

What’s Causing the Disconnect?

This issue is not isolated to just one retailer or region. Across the outdoor sports retail industry, many brands are seeing the same pattern of underperformance. Why? Here are some of the main challenges:

  1. Outdated Training Models – Most brands still rely on generic, one-size-fits-all training that fails to equip associates with the specific knowledge needed to sell outdoor products effectively. Outdoor gear is technical, and the lack of tailored education leaves associates unable to confidently guide customers through purchasing decisions.
  2. Overly Complex Tools – Many sales tools provided to store teams are hard to use, disconnected from other systems, or not designed with the day-to-day realities of retail in mind. As a result, associates waste time navigating clunky systems instead of focusing on what matters: engaging with customers.

Lack of Personalization – Every retail associate has different strengths, weaknesses, and ways of working. Yet, most enablement programs don’t consider these differences, leaving some associates unsupported and disengaged.

Building Stronger Sales Habits in Outdoor Retail

Encouraging retail associates to develop better sales habits is challenging but essential for long-term success. Here are some actionable steps outdoor brands can take to improve their teams’ performance:

  • Identify Key Behaviours – Determine which specific actions lead to successful customer interactions, such as greeting customers at the door or offering expert advice on technical products.
  • Use Data to Drive Insights – Analyze how these behaviours impact sales and customer satisfaction to refine training and support strategies.

Leverage Expert Support – Partner with companies specializing in retail enablement to gain access to proven frameworks and strategies that will boost your team’s performance.

Personalizing the Retail Associate Journey

In the outdoor sports retail space, every associate brings something unique to the table. To truly address the task completion issue, brands need to personalize the journey for each retail associate. This means aligning tasks and training to individual goals and offering flexibility in how associates engage with their daily responsibilities.

When associates feel their work is connected to their personal growth and the brand’s success, they’re more motivated to engage and perform. Tailoring these enablement efforts to match individual preferences ensures that everyone can thrive, whether new to the team or seasoned veterans.

Simple, Effective Incentives

Motivating retail teams goes beyond offering rewards—it’s about creating a system that drives consistent performance. By providing a clear visualization of the progress and setting up unique incentives, outdoor brands can keep associates focused on their goals. This ensures they meet their targets and often pushes them to exceed expectations.

Technology That Makes a Difference

In outdoor sports retail, having the right tools is crucial. Advanced sales enablement platforms are designed to streamline daily tasks, allowing associates to spend less time navigating systems and more time engaging with customers.

Imagine your frontline sales team as brand ambassadors. They’re the first line against customer frustration and champions of brand advocacy. But without the right tools and knowledge, even the most enthusiastic reps can’t unleash their full potential. Companies with strong sales enablement programs see 15% better win rates than those without.

This is where a digital sales enablement platform comes in; it can equip your sales team with the knowledge, resources, and confidence to transform customer interactions into revenue. With ENDVR, your brand can directly connect with sales associates on the store floor via our app, fostering increased engagement, driving sales, and improving sell-through. ENDVR empowers brands to create stronger connections with retail teams and customers alike, leading to better performance across the board.

Making Lasting Changes to Retail Performance

Temporary fixes won’t cut it. To truly drive long-term improvement in retail performance, outdoor brands must foster a continuous growth culture. Regular check-ins, tailored feedback, and recognition programs that celebrate success are essential to reinforcing the right behaviours.

Over time, these strategies help build teams that don’t just complete their tasks—they excel in their roles, driving growth for both the retailer and the brand.


The challenges facing the outdoor sports retail industry in sales enablement are significant, but the solution is within reach. ENDVR offers outdoor brands a powerful, data-driven sales enablement platform that directly connects with sales associates on the store floor. By equipping these associates with the knowledge, personalized training, and tools they need, brands can see tangible performance improvements. With ENDVR, brands benefit from increased engagement, leading to higher sales, stronger customer loyalty, and more consistent product reorders. Our platform delivers real results—brands using ENDVR have seen a 33% increase in average selling price, a 44% boost in product reorders, and a remarkable 35:1 return on associate spend. ENDVR empowers retail teams to meet their targets and helps them exceed expectations, creating lasting growth for both the brand and retailer.

By adopting ENDVR’s personalized, tech-enabled approach, outdoor brands can overcome the barriers that hold their teams back and build a path toward long-term retail success.

If you want to learn more about how ENDVR works, watch out quick 2 minute demo.