All posts by Bryna Dilman

4 Retail Trends and How Your Active Outdoor Brand Can Capitalize on Them

As we enter 2024, the retail landscape is undergoing a dramatic transformation. With a significant portion of retail transactions happening in brick-and-mortar stores, and predictions that physical retail will constitute 85% of total sales, brands find themselves at a critical point to adapt and innovate. In 2022, 87% of all retail transactions occurred in physical stores, showcasing the immense potential of in-store retailing. Let’s explore the key trends for 2024 and discover how your brand can capitalize on these opportunities!

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G2 Recognition: New ENDVR Rewards – Winter 2024 Edition!

In the spirit of celebration, we are excited to announce that ENDVR has earned 11 impressive badges in the G2 Winter 2024 Awards! Thanks to our clients ENDVR has proudly secured these awards, signifying our commitment to meeting customer needs and facilitating brands and retailers in connecting with front-line employees on a sales floor through digital education, sales incentives, and retail operations.

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