4 Retail Tips: Improving Sell-Through for Your Brand

Imagine this: You’re a brand manager walking into one of your retail partner’s stores, excited to see your products on display. But as you scan the shelves, your excitement dwindles. The products are there, but they aren’t moving. It’s a scene that repeats across multiple locations, leaving you frustrated and wondering where things went wrong.

You’re not alone. Many brands struggle with inconsistent sell-through across retail locations. But what if the problem isn’t with your sales teams or the market itself? Here’s the secret: underwhelming sell-through is often a symptom of a more significant issue – poor sales enablement.

Tip #1: Find The Right Partner and Create an Alliance 

Think about the story of how Patagonia collaborates with REI. They didn’t just supply products; they created an alliance. They shared goals, collaborated on marketing campaigns, and communicated openly. This partnership led to significant growth in their sell-through rates.

Actionable Insight: Brands need to build strong partnerships with their retail partners; this means open communication, shared goals, and a true sense of collaboration. According to a study by Deloitte, companies that foster strong partnerships see a 24% increase in performance metrics.

Tip #2: Leverage Technology in the 21st Century 

Consider how Mountain Hardwear has transformed its retail strategy. By leveraging technology like ENDVR’s Sales Enablement Platform, The North Face created a seamless connection between its brand and retail stores. This wasn’t just about having the latest gadgets; it was about using technology to foster teamwork and ensure everyone was aligned.

Actionable Insight: A retail sales enablement platform is your secret sauce. It allows brands to connect directly with the sales associates at the stores and doors that your product is in. It creates a central hub for brands and retailers to connect, share information, and collaborate as a team. This fosters alignment and ensures everyone is on the same page. According to Forrester, companies using sales enablement technology see a 29% increase in sales productivity.

Tip #3:  Use Data and Metrics for Faster Re-Orders and Improved Sell-Through

Imagine how Vuori uses data analytics to track sell-through performance. By identifying trends and understanding customer preferences, they can adjust their strategies to better meet market demands.

Actionable Insight: Use data analytics to track your sell-through performance, identify trends and use these insights to optimize your strategies. Data helps you make informed decisions for better results. McKinsey reports that data-driven organizations are 23 times more likely to acquire customers and six times more likely to retain them.

Tip #4: Communicate to All Your Stakeholders to Build Trust 

Consider the story of how Burton communicates with its retail partners. They don’t just send directives; they engage in continuous dialogue, seeking feedback and sharing vital information. This two-way communication builds trust and motivates partners towards common goals.

Actionable Insight: Consistent communication is crucial. Talk to your retail partners, listen to their feedback, and share information like sales targets and marketing campaigns. This fosters trust and keeps everyone motivated towards a common goal. Gallup found that highly engaged teams show 23% greater profitability.

Action Steps For Your Brand

In the constantly evolving world of retail, digital retail sales enablement platforms like ENDVR are no longer optional – they are key to unlocking your brand’s ability to drive more sales in physical stores. By implementing these actionable tips and fostering a collaborative spirit with your retail partners, you can transform your sell-through performance and propel your brand toward long-term success.

Embrace the power of partnership, leverage data and technology, and watch your sell-through rates soar – Watch our 2 minute quick demo to see how ENDVR’s platform works, and see what it can do for your brand!