Stay Ahead with Product Knowledge in the Outdoor Sporting Sector

stay ahead with product knowledge int he outdoor sporting sector

Consumers are more educated now, than ever before, when searching on buying a product, especially in the outdoor sporting sector. They take the time to investigate what they want. They do many searches (online and in-store) to find out the cost, review competitor costs and seek to find the info on where to purchase their items for the least amount of money. Consumers are now taking shopping to a whole new level and are more educated to ensure they have the knowledge on the products they seek to buy – before they buy them. 

So how is the retail industry evolving to keep up? And how are brands in 3rd party retail spaces faring against  the competition?

Let’s go to the data. Rapid technological advancements have left many brands struggling to keep up, with only 57% of retail executives believing their companies are on pace with these changes. Additionally, the retail industry faces high employee turnover rates, sometimes exceeding a staggering 60%; attracting and retaining skilled workers is another significant challenge, with 83% of retailers struggling to recruit the right people – which impacts the consumer purchasing habits and ultimately the brand revenue suffers.

What does this mean for you and your brand? This means that staying competitive requires strategically empowering your retail partners with easily accessible product knowledge. This secret weapon ensures your brand stands out in a crowded marketplace by equipping frontline staff with the information they need to champion your products effectively to the consumers who come into the stores and have very direct questions about your brand.

How Product Knowledge Drives In-Store Revenue

You know, and we know, that retail partners are your brand champions on the front lines. They’re the ones facing customers daily, needing to know how to answer any and all questions about your brand: Why does it cost more than that brand? Why do you use this material vs. that one? Will this last longer than five months? Where are your products made? What is the return policy? What is the warranty? Ensuring that these consumer questions are answered correctly is crucial.

Consumers come into the store and the top 3 questions they ask about in store are: 1. Price of your product. 2. The quality of your product. And 3. Tech specs of your product. Is your brand’s product knowledge up to par when those consumers come in with those questions? This means in-store staff have the unique opportunity to guide these consumers toward purchasing your product. With comprehensive product knowledge, they become your brand ambassadors and drive in-store revenue.

Here’s How:

  • Customers Want Brand Information: They want information, and your reps can deliver it confidently, leading to informed purchases.
  • Customers Need Clarity: Addressing questions about the product, having more information than the product label and having the ability to communicate the whys and hows on your product benefits quickly leads to higher customer satisfaction and a product sale.
  • In-Store Sales Associates are Your True Brand Ambassadors: Personalized recommendations lead to higher sales and stronger brand recall.

The Solution: Knowledge Delivered Quickly and Directly to Those Who Interact with Consumers 

Now you need a solution. How do you train, educate and support the in-store sales associates when there is high turnover 60.5%? How do you train and educate in-store sales associates when your brand rep only has the ability to visit the store on a monthly basis, and many people are absent for those in-store clinics and visits?

What other way can you directly connect with your in-store sales associates so they are constantly talking about your brand to the consumer. Answering the approcate questions about your brand to the consumer. Recommending your brand to the consumer? Through a direct app called ENDVR.


Why does your brand need technology?

We are in the 21st century – and everyone now needs technology! Also because your brand reach needs to be extended. You need to help your brand reps extend their relationships in a vast and wide territory and you can do it, easily and quickly with ENDVR. 


Embrace ENDVR, and watch your customer satisfaction and sales soar, transforming every interaction into an opportunity for success. With ENDVR, your sales associates will be empowered with real-time product knowledge, training, and support at their fingertips, ensuring they can confidently answer customer questions and make informed recommendations.

To learn more about what ENDVR can offer your brand, watch a quick demo today!